Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hour 10!

:\ had some problems with the divide tool? it was super jaggedy when i divided and moved the polys.  i think this woulda been super simple if i did it on maya, hard in zbrush


  1. Instead of using move try building it up with hpolish or one of the planar brushes while masked. If you really need to use the move tool then you might have to smooth and rebuild your edges. Another method might be to insert a cube and modify it before dynameshing. Just make sure your resolution is high enough to where it doesn't distort your edges. -A

  2. ooooh, that might be a better idea, just building it up with the polish tool. Thanks astro! I didn't really want to use the dynamesh

  3. also, fix the comment after clicked link color! its black and i can't see stuff

  4. Just did this one, and I found that the clipping curve brush helps get those tapering square shapes a bit easier. You should try it out, Its great for cutting into the silhouette.
